Finding Danilatos helpful Supporting tagline
I’d watched the IO videos long ago: Ray Ryan, two years in a row, heralding the benefits of Google’s MVP. I’d used Microsofts MVC and saw that MVP was simpler, so I used MVP. I’d previously just been using a two-class system loosely based on what Qt forced you to do, and so I switched to a three class based system with a simple class as the model (what Java would call a POJO) and a View class that was the only class in the trio exposed to GUI classes (and UIBinder as such).
But I still really didn’t get MVC.
MVC’s main advertised benefit comes from testing.
After listening to Danilatos talk carefully
I’d just written a test of my CommandLinePresenter which has a very simple view (a single Label) and a very simple model (a few strings that make up that label) and now it was time to test the InventoryPresenter.
For my CommandLinePresenter, my testing code looked something like: mouseMove(x,y) mouseClick(x,y) at which point, the test would recieve a call on a methd of an interface it had implemented, and it asserted this data in it’s test.
For the next class, the InventoryPresenter, I was hoping to do the same. But then I started thinking that maybe I should put similar methods on my View, because it’s a gui class. Then I thoguht maybe I should change the way I’m testing these classes? But then the MVC dogma kicked in: and I was left with no doubt that the best way to test was to make the view “correct by construction” - it’s not being tested, so don’t put anything in there: it’s got to go in to the InventoryPresenter.
I realised that this has larger implications on the dependency injected views I’d implemented last month. When I did that piece of refactoring, I’d added some little differences in the way the views are implemented on each system. But I realised at this point, that, if I am to share the same Presenter code for each system, then the views on each system are going to have to be pretty much identical. And if they need to differ in a large way, then not only would I have methods to create the views in my Factory interface, I would also need methods to create presenters. Hence the need for Dependency Injection frameworks, where the entire tree of classes is specified through annotations and such.
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